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Lose Weight, Not Your Health
by nnamdi agha
The latest trend of ultra slim size is driving people, especially women to the path of death and destruction of their health and general well being. A lot of women have taken weight loss to the extreme often resulting in death or permanent disability of their intellect and body. What was meant to be a program of renewal and regeneration of the individual has been unwittingly turned into a macabre dance of doom and unquantifiable damage to the society that would have been enriched by the war against obesity and all obesity stood for. Many have died while looking for health and wellness and longevity.
What an irony of life and fate. So many women have believed the advertisers flaunting very slim models as the ideal picture of womanhood that so many of them have invested fortunes trying to be like them. Many have paid the supreme sacrifice while on the path of weightloss and slim appearance.
Weight loss and fat loss do not have to take your life away. Common sense should guide you on all health matters when you have decided not to listen to doctors and other knowledgeable health professionals. Many have also failed to heed the warnings contained in various papers on health issues scattered all over the place especially the internet. I
n the guise of providing weight loss products, many companies and organizations have manufactured pure poisons and promoted them to high heavens as being capable of helping people lose weight almost immediately. Many have believed them and are now in their graves and their fellow compatriots [others who are still taking these concoctions] are on their way to joining them in the grave where they will lose all weight and fat when their bodies decay and are reduced to skeletons.
What is wrong with being robust if you are healthy and exercising? The whole essence of weightloss is to be healthy and live longer. Any other reason is the figment of your imagination. Many think that being slim and thin makes you sexy. This is not always the case for there are a whole lot of fat persons that are still very sexy and upbeat about life. And these fat persons are still desirable to the opposite sex. You can look around you and confirm what I am telling you now.
My position is that you should be healthy so you can enjoy the bounties of life. You can choose to be fat and overweight or you can choose to be slim and thin. The choice is yours at all times. However, in your present state, do you enjoy life and good health? If you are fat and overweight, will you enjoy fully the bounties of life and nature? If you are ultra slim and thin, can you enjoy the provisions of the almighty? These are two extremes and the positions require a movement towards the centre.
Being very slim and sickly looking will not help you enjoy life. Reducing yourself to skin and bones is even more sickening than being overweight. You might find your bikini size but can you honestly look in the mirror when you are nude and be proud and happy with what is left of your body? Even bikinis are meant to cover something not empty spaces. Do not jeopardize your health and well being by trying to be thin when you are at risk of damaging your body system and health.
I am all for weight loss and good health. However, you should lose weight in an orderly manner. You must remember that the essence of weight loss is to be healthy. You can and should lose weight to fight obesity and the other diseases and conditions that follow being overweight like diabetes and heart conditions. But you must pursue weight loss with the right frame of mind and supplements. Lose weight to be healthy and look younger but not to die pursuing weight loss. To do that is a waste of life.
Choose to lose weight with the right supplements and products that have been certified by notable health professionals and clinically proven as to its efficacy and efficiency. To do otherwise might result in unpleasant circumstances. The choice to lose weight, not your life is entirely yours.
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